Add Event Listener DOM Event Types

David Chung
2 min readJul 27, 2020


The browser can trigger many different types of events on the DOM(Document Object Model). The full list of all DOM event types are located here: MDN. For this blog, I’ll go over some of the more frequently used DOM events, explain what the event does, and how each one is used.

Here are some of the most common event types and event names:

  • Mouse Events: click, dblclick, mousedown, mouseup, contextmenu, mouseout, mousewheel, mouseover
  • Touch Events: touchstart, touchend, touchmove, touchcancel
  • Keyboard Events: keydown, keyup, keypress
  • Form Events: focus, blur, change, submit
  • Window Events: resize, scroll, load, unload, hashchange

Touch events are triggered on touch-enabled devices such as smartphones, tablets, and touch-screen laptops. Mouse events are triggered on the majority of all browsers and devices. The MouseEvent interface represents events that occur due to the user interacting with a pointing device.

The click event: The onclick event occurs when the user clicks on an element.

The dblclick event: ondblclick event occurs when the user double-clicks on an element.

Mousedown & Mouseup events:A pointing device button is pressed/released on an element.

Mouseout event: A pointing device is moved off the element that has the listener attached.

Keyboard events(keydown, keyup, keypress):

  • Keydown: Any key is pressed.
  • keyup: Any key is released.
  • keypress: Any key (except shift, Fn, or capslock) is in the pressed position(fired continuously.)

Form Events(focus, blur, change, submit):

  • focus: An element that has received focus.
  • blur: An element that has lost focus.
  • change: Event that is fired for input, select, and textarea elements when an alteration to the element’s value is done by the user.
  • submit: The submit button is pressed.

Window Events(resize, scroll, load, unload, hashchange):

  • resize: This event fires when the document view(window) has been resized.
  • scroll: Event fires when the document view or an element has been scrolled.
  • load/unload: The load event is fired when the whole page has loaded, including all resources such as css and images. Unload is when the document or child resource is being unloaded.
  • hashchange: This event is fired when the identifier of the URL has changed(the part of the URL that begins with a # symbol).

Some other common DOM events that are used are:

  • error: A resource has failed to load.
  • abort: The loading fo a resource was aborted.
  • online: The browser has gained access to the network.
  • animationstart: This event fires when a CSS animatino has started.

Event listeners are what make Javascript dynamic and fun. It allows the developer to be creative and experiment with their application to make it interesting and expressive. There are all kinds of keyword events that just about allow the user to do anything to interact with the browser. Knowing more event listener types will allow you(the developer) to become a Javascript wizard!

